One Year Bible

The One-Year Bible reading blog... join us as we journey through God's Word this year and see His activity in our lives.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Intentions

We don't get enough credit I think from the things we plan, initiate or dream up. Too often it's the person who finished the work or project, harvested the garden, stood tallest or ran 'anchor' on the relay team that gets the applause or notoriety.

When we think of the Temple in the Old Testament, immediately Solomon comes to mind. All the gold, his wisdom... and don't forget the women. But it's actually David who should and does get credit from God for his 'good intentions' to build a house for God (2 Chr. 6:8); he was commended by God for the good that was in his heart.

VBS, children's and yute camp, Nigeria mission trip, Backyard Bible Clubs are all complete. This summer, you may not have driven out a demon named 'Legion', healed a leper, or led thousands to Christ at an evangelistic crusade. Maybe you were the person who thought we needed coffee each Sunday, heard the call of God and has chosen to minister to our caffeine addiction. Lord knows that Baptists need a little energy and excitement on Sunday mornings... Maybe you really wanted to visit that new family who moved in down the street but something came up and instead you prayed for them...

Remember this: God knows your heart and you get credit for good intentions. I don't want to encourage you to blow things off or misplace your priorities but God sees and knows what's going on inside and one day - you will be rewarded.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

When "New" Isn't Better...

Several years ago when Coke came up with it's "New Coke"... the backlash was ferocious as people revolted demanding their "Old Coke". Being a purist, I had to concur with the dissenters on this one, plus... I just liked the Old Coke. Being a business man, always interested in marketing, I personally suspect that the whole "New Coke" idea was a marketing scheme to drive the market place. Putting aside the carbonated conspiracy theory, "New" wasn't better! And if "new" isn't better with soft drink recipes... one can only guess that "new" and God's judgement isn't good either...

When Korah, his two sons and the 250 Israelite men who stood in opposition to Moses and Moses told them that "if the Lord brings about something totally, new..." - dude that isn't good! The earth split open and swallowed Korah, Dathan and Abiram and their families, possessions, then closed up over them... then the fire broke out on the 250 Israelite men holding the censers... I'm thinking... don't mess with God! When God does a totally new thing and He is mad... you've got to hand it to Him... that is original!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting What You Need...

(Exodus 33:17) "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."

Did you know that because you have trusted in Christ and that He knows you personally, you have access to Him through prayer? I think too often we walk through life needlessly barren of necessities or even desires because we don't ask God. Moses found himself set between an unruly people and a holy God. If you have ever tried to make a difference for Jesus in our world, you know how tough that can be.

Moses started pitching his tent outside the camp where he would meet God. God would come down in the cloud and talk to him face to face. On one occasion Moses needed the visible presence of God on a regular basis in order to lead the Israelites. God's response was typical... 'ok.. because you and I are okay and that I know you... you got it Moses!'

What do you need from God in order to accomplish His purposes for your life? Have you fallen prey to being presumptive with the sovereignty of God? Go to God, lay it out before Him. He may very well tell you '_______ (your name) you got it!' Do you know why He answers prayer like that? It's because you please Him by trusting Him. Hebrews 11:6 tells us 'without faith it is impossible to please Him.' Jesus said 'I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me...'

Our knowledge of Him begins with faith, believing He is and rewards us when we seek Him. If you need something today, pause right now, declare your trust in Him and ask... Listen for Him to say "________ you got it!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Somebody Else, Anybody Else...

There are times in life when we just flat out don't want to do what God asks of us. Moses was in that place. He had found a 'groove' in the Midian desert. Life was good; wife, son, sheep, tent, horse, iPod, IPad and a silk tunic. Why in the world leave what is familiar, comfortable, and safe to go back to Egypt where you were loathed? God please send somebody else, anybody else... but me!

We all have our own arguments and refusals. Only God has His plan and that plan has No Plan B. Moses was going to do what God told him, or else. What is your burning bush? What is the Lord telling you? Have you aligned your life with His?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jam on Toast

Buttered toast, while edible and sufficient for morning nutrition, lacks flavor without something a little sweet. I like pulling out some Strawberry jam from the fridge, spreading it evenly (one of my OCD's) across the bread, sitting down with a cup of coffee, while doing my One Year Bible reading. It just seems the bread tastes better that way; and of course it does.

As Jacob was returning to his homeland, he knows full well he has to pass right by Esau. Jacob puts jam on the bread by sending gifts ahead of himself to his brother, having his servants call Esau "lord" and Jacob referring to himself as Esau's "servant". If there was ever a time in Jacob's life that he needed to jam the bread, this was it.

Esau had opportunity and motive to destroy Jacob... but instead Jacob found favor in Esau's eyes (Genesis 33:8). The reunion was a shocker, probably most for Jacob as he limped along from his encounter with God.

More often than not, putting a little jam on the bread of people's lives, will make the gospel more palatable. We do this through serving and giving grace to them.

Got Jam?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Honest Fear

As I read the account of Jacob with his brother Esau and father-in-law Laban, I couldn't help but think that Jacob had reason to fear (Genesis 32:6-9) as so often we do ourselves. Here he was returning back to his country where his brother lived. Last time he saw his brother, Esau was ready to 'whack' him for ripping off his birthright and blessing from Isaac. Then the tables turned as Laban was deceptive with his daughters (Leah and Rachel) in giving them in marriage to Jacob. Jacob then finds himself in that precarious situation of having to face the music back home.

There are at least two types of fear, I think, I hope: Irrational Fear and Rational Fear. Jacob's fear was quite rational. Too often our fears are irrational when it comes to our relationship with God and His provision for our life (Matthew 6:29-33, chapter 10). Fear is real but it doesn't have to captivate our thoughts and dominate our choices. As Jesus said (Matthew 10:26) 'So do not be afraid of them... do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy soul and body in hell..."

There are things we will pay for in our life time and those things hurt no doubt. But we should fear God over all. A healthy respect and fearful trust is what He desires. This type of fear leads to repentance, faith and freedom...

In Christ

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No Plan B

When reading about Abraham's attempt at getting his son Isaac a wife, I saw that God really had no Plan B (Genesis 24). He has a direction, purpose and plan for each of our lives. He even goes as far to plan accordingly in advance for the success of the mission we are on. Our task is discerning as we go His direction, knowing our purpose and discovering His plan. The Lord is just as involved today in our daily lives as he was 6000 years ago in the life of Abraham and Isaac. He has given us His Spirit to lead us into all truth, His Word (Bible) to illumine our path and His presence to assure us along the way.

Where do you see the Lord at work?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Never Forsaken

(Psalm 9:10) If you have ever been on the receiving end of abandonment... good news! God never will forsake you, he never has and never will forsake those who seek Him. What's on your heart today?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Too many times times life is filled with numerous "if's". 'If only i had..', 'if this hadn't happened', 'if I had not gotten out of bed...' We all have had those comments as we look back on our lives, musing about the unknown or possible outcomes... Solomon gave me 3 "if's" today that lead to something very certain. In fact he states that 'if we accept, if we call out, if we look... then we will understand the 'fear of the Lord' and 'discover the knowledge of God.'

If I make it a daily discipline in accepting what God has to say in His Word, if I ask him for guidance, help or whatever I need, and if I look for his insight and understanding... it will greatly reduce the 'what if's' or 'only if's'.

I challenge you today when you are confronted with that problem or issue... accept, ask, look for God's will... and see if 'then' he helps you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Varying Degrees of Separation

Between Matthew 5:43ff and Genesis 14, I find a perplexing difficulty that we experience even today... varying degrees of separation. What I mean here is that with Abraham, he would have nothing to do with wealth of the king of Sodom (Bera) but he did go and fight for their release and then Jesus tells us to 'love our enemies'. I think the answer to this perplexing and relevant issue is found in the heart.

Abraham later prays for Lot and the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jesus goes on later to tell us to 'be in the world but not OF the world'. Ahhh... there is the key. I do know for certain there are some people I cannot associate with or afford morally to be aligned with. That in itself, does not keep me from loving, helping or praying for them, but it does cause me separate my affairs to some by varying degrees. I know at some point they are going to get what is coming to them (Proverbs 1:29-33), as well all are... but that is at the hand of God, not me. I know for certain I don't want to be inside the blast radius or within the sphere of radioactive fallout, when wicked people are judged.

My prayer today: LORD, I want to love and I want to be 'perfect' in that love in a way that honors you and preserves my own dignity before you and man. In other words, make me more like Abraham.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


" language and a common speech." Since the inception of civilization, we have sought to unify under 'common' purposes. Whether politics, famine, natural disasters, war / peace, religion... The ultimate purpose in our differences is to drive us to the One who seeks a 'common' relationship with us - the LORD!

While unity is a blessed but fleeting environ, it ultimately is perfectly unachievable. Our hearts should be driven first and foremost to the LORD. There we find purpose, peace and provision for our souls. It is at that point we can address the cultural mess with the answer of the cross.

The cross - God's common language and speech for a planet who needs reconciliation.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Beginning...

I was pondering today, tomorrow's (Sunday) message as I read today's proverb (1:7) when it struck me... this is the 'beginning' of it all, isn't it. Whether one accepts Gen. 1:1 (Creation) or John 1:1 (God of Creation), really begins with humility before the Lord. I do think that little bit of healthy fear of His wrath might do us a bit of good... but respecting His person is of greater worth.

