One Year Bible

The One-Year Bible reading blog... join us as we journey through God's Word this year and see His activity in our lives.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Intentions

We don't get enough credit I think from the things we plan, initiate or dream up. Too often it's the person who finished the work or project, harvested the garden, stood tallest or ran 'anchor' on the relay team that gets the applause or notoriety.

When we think of the Temple in the Old Testament, immediately Solomon comes to mind. All the gold, his wisdom... and don't forget the women. But it's actually David who should and does get credit from God for his 'good intentions' to build a house for God (2 Chr. 6:8); he was commended by God for the good that was in his heart.

VBS, children's and yute camp, Nigeria mission trip, Backyard Bible Clubs are all complete. This summer, you may not have driven out a demon named 'Legion', healed a leper, or led thousands to Christ at an evangelistic crusade. Maybe you were the person who thought we needed coffee each Sunday, heard the call of God and has chosen to minister to our caffeine addiction. Lord knows that Baptists need a little energy and excitement on Sunday mornings... Maybe you really wanted to visit that new family who moved in down the street but something came up and instead you prayed for them...

Remember this: God knows your heart and you get credit for good intentions. I don't want to encourage you to blow things off or misplace your priorities but God sees and knows what's going on inside and one day - you will be rewarded.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)

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