One Year Bible

The One-Year Bible reading blog... join us as we journey through God's Word this year and see His activity in our lives.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pastor-less Churches

Whenever I come across the link on our state convention's website for pastor-less churches, I wonder with what frequency the same churches pop up advertising. As I read Zechariah 11, I was taken back in time to a church that really wanted only a preacher who would root up all the problems but in the end didn't much care for me. When you pasture a flock; trying to tend their needs, feed them, care for them... and the care you provide is basically thrown back in your face... I completely understand Zechariah's mindset (v.9-14) There are distinct reasons some churches continually appear in state papers looking for a pastor; it's largely because, they like addicts, are addicted more to the dysfunction that leads to the condition of a 'pastor-less church' than to the drug of their choice. The comfort level (or drug) for some congregations is 'conflict', 'disunity', 'self-centeredness', 'un-forgiveness' or whatever else you can imagine. Not much can be done in those churches except to break the staffs and leave them to their own devices. One of the biggest trends among Southern Baptists seminaries today is future ministers refusing to enter established churches, instead they are starting new churches. Which begs the question: which is easier, 'giving birth' or 'raising the dead'?

The job of the pastor / prophet is to lead and teach according to the Scriptures. My professional verse is: (Psalm 78:72) "David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them." I never want to be labeled a 'worthless shepherd'... I'd rather a church detest me for being faithful to God who cares for them than someone who deserts them, leaving them exposed to the elements.

At the same time, my hope and prayer for 'The Fellowship' of FBC-LA is to be receptive to God's Word and Spirit, and to never, ever return to its former ways. We have much to be thankful for, and one of those is a great church body. May God's 'favor' and 'union' be on us as we seek Him with all our hearts.


  1. at first I thought you were advocating pastor-less churches, as in - 'We are all priests.' which is a pretty strange thing for a pastor to do. Then I read your post.

    I agree with the addicted to dysfunction, comment. Some people that are addicted to dysfunction join/stay at dysfunctional churches and do their best to keep them dysfunctional. We need to watch out for the Johnny Appleseeds, that would rather travel from church to church, sowing dysfunction as they go.

  2. speaking of God sightings - part of yesterday's section from Psalms - 145:10-13 really speaks about sharing God sightings:

    All of your works will thank you, Lord, and all of your faithful followers will praise you. They will speak of the glory of your kingdom; they will give examples of your power. They will tell about the majesty and glory of your reign. For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all the generations.

  3. Having been through what is expressed in the post, I have to comment that I grieve for those who are stuck that way and know nothing better. The cause of the problem is traditional Baptist polity which is democratic in construct rather than New Testament government, which is Pastor/elder led, staff driven, committee empowered, deacon served, and congregation approved. Our churches have followed the dictates of human politics rather than following the teachings of the Word of God. Unfortunately, they don't believe this, and are doing "what is right in their own eyes." One thing that will help is a SBC wide reevaluation of our polity and a reformation which recognizes the angels God calls and sends to lead a congregation. Of course the kickback to this is the problem with dictatorial pastors who abuse and "fleece" their flock. Only a plurality of elders in a church can provide the checks and balances needed. God give us God called men to lead us, and servants hearts to serve under the true Lordship of Jesus Christ

  4. Agreed, those 'stuck' who have attempted to shepherd these 'pastor-less' churches are mourning in a way most cannot imagine. This calls for patience and endurance. I welcome a revolution in the SBC!


